A bounty hunter, a stoic, and a shark walk into a zoo

Your latest AIModels.fyi model update includes a new way to earn money, a new way to think about tech, a new text-to-3D model, and a lot more.

A bounty hunter, a stoic, and a shark walk into a zoo
Making 3D sharks using text with Shap-e!

Hey there,

Time for your monthly update, featuring the newest AI models weā€™ve indexed on AIModels.fyi! As you know, we recently changed our name from Replicate Codex to reflect the expanding nature of the platforms we cover.

This month, I have some exciting models to share with you.

We also now support Cerebrium on the site! Cerebrium is a machine learning framework that makes it easier to train, deploy and monitor ML models with just a few lines of code. We will be adding additional platforms soon.

Ok, now letā€™s take a look at some of the models we indexed this month, starting withā€¦

šŸ¦ˆ 3D (!)

  • Shap-e - Generating Conditional 3D Implicit Functions! This one is super cool - itā€™s a Replicate implementation of OpenAIā€™s text-to-3D object model.

šŸ’¬ Language

  • GPT4All - a model used to answer questions or perform tasks just like ChatGPT
  • GPT-Neo - EleutherAIā€™s replication of the GPT-3 architecture.
  • Llama-7b - Transformers implementation of the LLaMA language model

šŸ–¼ļø Image

  • Instructblip-Vicuna13b - An instruction-tuned multi-modal model based on BLIP-2 and Vicuna-13B
  • DeepFloyd-if - a stable-diffusion-like model that is excellent at generating text in images
  • Img2Img - this is Cerebriumā€™s prebuilt Img2Img implementation

šŸ“½ļø Video

  • Tune-a-Video - One-Shot Tuning of Image Diffusion Models for Text-to-Video Generation. Lets you turn a panda riding a surfboard into a sloth riding a surfboard, for example.

Tune-a-video output

For my pick of the month, I'm going with Shap-e! This model is perfect for making game assets, which is another hobby of mine. Writeup coming soon.

I've also added 20+ new guides and resources to our blog. Check out the following links to learn more about AI and my experience building the site:

There are also a few other news items Iā€™d like to point out:

  • Cerebrium.ai has announced a bounties program, which means you can get paid to submit AI projects that solve real-world problems.
  • Charlie Holtz launched zoo.replicate.dev, a playground to test the speed of AI models for free on Replicate

There you have it!

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