A Guide to Using Negative Prompts to Create High-Quality Furries in Stable Diffusion

How to use negative prompts with Stable Diffusion to create furry art.

A Guide to Using Negative Prompts to Create High-Quality Furries in Stable Diffusion

Furry art has gained a huge following in recent years, and creating high-quality furry art requires skill and time. Fortunately, the Stable Diffusion model can help artists generate stunning furry art with ease. In this guide, we'll explore how to use negative prompts to create high-quality furries in Stable Diffusion. We'll cover the basics of Stable Diffusion, the concept of negative prompts, examples of negative prompts, common mistakes, and how to fix them.

Overview of Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is an image generation model that generates high-quality images by progressively denoising an image in small steps using a diffusion process. This model is widely used in the art community for its ability to generate high-quality images with fine details and a realistic texture.

What Are Negative Prompts?

Negative prompts are input parameters that tell the model what not to include in the generated image. In other words, negative prompts guide the model by specifying what should be excluded from the image. Using negative prompts can help you generate more specific images that meet your artistic vision.

Examples of Negative Prompts

Crafting effective negative prompts can take some experimentation, but here are some examples to give you an idea of how they work:

  1. Removing specific colors from the fur
  2. Removing certain types of clothing or accessories
  3. Removing certain facial features or expressions
  4. Removing specific backgrounds or environments
  5. Removing certain species or traits (e.g. no wings on a dragon)

Remember, the more specific your negative prompt is, the more control you'll have over the final image.

Optimizing Furry Art Generation with Negative Prompts

Furry art can be complex, but negative prompts can help you generate high-quality images with specific features. Here are some tips on how to use negative prompts to optimize your furry art generation process:

Use specific negative prompts: Use negative prompts that are as specific as possible. For example, if you don't want a certain color in the fur, use the name of the color as the negative prompt.

Use multiple negative prompts: Use multiple negative prompts to guide the model and achieve more specific results. For example, if you don't want a certain color in the fur and you also don't want the character to have a certain expression, use both of these negative prompts.

Experiment with different negative prompts: Experiment with different negative prompts to see how they affect the output. This will help you determine which negative prompts work best for your artistic vision.

Common Mistakes and Solutions

Here are some common mistakes and solutions when using Stable Diffusion with negative prompts:

Mistake: Using too many negative prompts.

Solution: Use only a few negative prompts that are as specific as possible. Start with one or two negative prompts and see how they affect the output.

Mistake: Using negative prompts that conflict with each other.

Solution: Avoid using negative prompts that conflict with each other. For example, if one negative prompt says "no wings" and another negative prompt says "bird species", the model may not know how to generate the image.

Mistake: Not using positive prompts.

Solution: Use positive prompts in conjunction with negative prompts to achieve the desired results. Positive prompts can help guide the model to include specific elements in the generated image.

Mistake: Not experimenting with different negative prompts.

Solution: Try using different negative prompts for each image and see how they affect the output. You can also try combining different negative prompts to achieve more specific results.


Using negative prompts can help you optimize your furry art generation process with Stable Diffusion. We've covered the basics of Stable Diffusion, the concept of negative prompts, and provided examples of negative prompts to guide your furry art generation. Remember to avoid common mistakes, such as using too many negative prompts or using negative prompts that conflict with each other, and experiment with different prompts to achieve your desired results. For more information on Stable Diffusion and other AI models for creative purposes, check out Replicate Codex.