Replacing Ghost with Substack 8x'd my LP signup rate

Running an A/B test produced some great results.

Replacing Ghost with Substack 8x'd my LP signup rate
Running an A/B test lead me to vastly improve signups on Replicate Codex!

Ghost is a cool platform for blogging, but it's not a good way to get email signups. I recently redesigned my Replicate Codex landing page to make it tighter and clearer for people to sign up. But even though the landing page had way less text, signups basically completely stopped. They dropped from 5% of traffic to 1%, which was really low!

I then replaced the link to sign up on Ghost was a link to sign up directly with Substack (an email input form vs. a button that took you to a page that then made you add a name and an email). Things improved instantly, and now I'm up to 8% - 8x what I saw from Ghost and almost 2x my original rate.

I strongly recommend you just use a simple Substack signup form for this!

Visitors New Signups, Source: Site %
Old LP signup 664 33 5%
Short LP, Button to Ghost Signup 134 1 1%
Email form on homepage 149 12 8%

Here's my data - happy to chat more about what I've learned here or on Twitter.

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