Can image models understand what we’re asking for?
Teaching AI to tell visually consistent stories
Bye tokens, hello patches
Meta announces a better way to scale LLMs
Input prompt, output a playable world
Google built a world model that actually works
ChatGPT naturally colludes to raise prices
Making AI See Better
Chain-of-thought is so hot right now. You shouldn't always use it.
Get ready to lose to Transformers on Lichess
They can hit 2895 Elo … without memorizing patterns
Long Context Compression with Activation Beacon
Differential Transformers
LLMs will lie forever
Hallucinations are never going away. How can we reduce them?
What's (actually) up with o1
The new o1 UX is bad. The model is weird. I have questions.
AI can (kinda) generate novel ideas
LLMs have some brainstorming limitations.